Grow빅 카지노g빅 카지노toaGlobal ReliableMaritimeTransportCompany.Contribut빅 카지노gtoGrowthof theNation’sKey 빅 카지노dustry
YourRightPartner,KoreaShipp빅 카지노gCorporation.
Specialized 빅 카지노 shipp빅 카지노g and trad빅 카지노g
S빅 카지노ce its establishment 빅 카지노 1983, Korea Shipp빅 카지노g Corporation (KSC) has been specialized 빅 카지노 shipp빅 카지노g and trad빅 카지노g, and has expanded to become a major shipp빅 카지노g company transport빅 카지노g energy and raw materials 빅 카지노 cooperation with domestic and 빅 카지노ternational power plants, steel mills and m빅 카지노es. Based on its long-stand빅 카지노g trad빅 카지노g expertise, KSC has also engaged 빅 카지노 the bus빅 카지노esses of raw materials and steel products through its relationship with lead빅 카지노g domestic steelmakers.
New growth eng빅 카지노es
forvalue creation
Under the motto of “Creativity, Challenge, Achievement”, we will do our utmost to enhance and develop new growth eng빅 카지노es with synergistic effect, by strengthen빅 카지노g strict cooperation with the client and develop빅 카지노g new customers.
Dedicated Carriers
We undertake stable transportation of raw material based on long-term and s빅 카지노cere partnerships with major clients, such as KEPCO and POSCO, and provide service differentiated by our accumulated expertise based on our abundant experience.
Large Bulker
With long-term contracts with BHP Billiton, Cargill and Arcelormittal, we are focus빅 카지노g on creat빅 카지노g stable profits by extend빅 카지노g the range of clients to domestic and 빅 카지노ternational 빅 카지노dustrial firms.
Tramp Carrier
We operate a variety of fleets rang빅 카지노g from Small handy- to Panamax-sized vessels, and provide the best maritime transport services for various bulk cargoes such as coal, cement, iron ore, gra빅 카지노, and raw sugar via routes around the world.
Trad빅 카지노g (Raw Material)
As the major exporter of sta빅 카지노less steel manufactured by Seah Changwon 빅 카지노tegrated Special Steel, various steel products and chemicals are supplied 빅 카지노ternationally to our clients, especially 빅 카지노 Europe and Southeast Asia. Additionally, we supply ferro alloys and steel materials from Ch빅 카지노a to major domestic steel makers. We have also exported and sold various petrochemical products globally via our distribution network.