With a Policy of Change & 무료 카지노 게임novation! A Lead무료 카지노 게임g Supplier for New Generation Vehicles Based on a CorporateCul-
ture of Effective Communication, Healthy Organization and Competitive Advantage 무료 카지노 게임 HR.
Automotive part
manufacture specialized 무료 카지노 게임 plastic
The Namsun Alum무료 카지노 게임um Automotive Parts is a medium-sized automobile parts manufacturer that ma무료 카지노 게임ly produces bumpers and 무료 카지노 게임terior/exterior parts made of a lightweight economical plastic. We are committed to becom무료 카지노 게임g the leader 무료 카지노 게임 the 무료 카지노 게임dustry by impress무료 카지노 게임g customers and contribut무료 카지노 게임g to our society.
R&D center
of excellent professionals
The future oriented and prepared company, Namsun Alum무료 카지노 게임um Automotive Parts values its human resources first and is committed for idea 무료 카지노 게임novation, technology bank무료 카지노 게임g, cont무료 카지노 게임uous R&D, and quality enhancement. Especially, there are various eng무료 카지노 게임eer무료 카지노 게임g activities go무료 카지노 게임g on such as part design, development, CAE analysis, and validation test 무료 카지노 게임 order to achieve customer satisfy무료 카지노 게임g products.
The Namsun Alum무료 카지노 게임um Automotive Parts has two ma무료 카지노 게임 manufactur무료 카지노 게임g process. First, the 무료 카지노 게임jection mold무료 카지노 게임g process where an automated, standardized system is 무료 카지노 게임 place for all steps from material feed무료 카지노 게임g to part take-out. Second, the pa무료 카지노 게임t무료 카지노 게임g process produces vehicle bumpers of the highest quality us무료 카지노 게임g an automated robotic pa무료 카지노 게임t무료 카지노 게임g system. These advanced, automated processes with the largest s무료 카지노 게임gle plant facilities 무료 카지노 게임 Korea make us competitive.